Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Revising the Rough Draft

One of my least favorite aspects of writing is the revision process. It is tedious, nit-picky, and overall requires more effort than the creation of the rough draft, but I also realize it is necessary for the improvement of one's writing. So, currently, I'm in the process of revising my investigative article rough draft. There are two main points that I need to address: I need to interview more local teachers, and I need to reconsider the structure of the benefits/disadvantages sections.

As for interviewing more teachers, I asked my education professor for help since she's familiar with teachers in the local area, and she was able to connect me with someone in the local school system to be interviewed (thank you, Dr. Gould!). Now, it's just a matter of waiting to hear back about the interviews.

As for restructuring the sections, my current draft has a section about benefits, followed by a section about disadvantages. I think, for my revision/final draft, I'm going to weave the two together and follow each individual benefit with a counterargument (disadvantage) to balance the perspective more immediately. Then, since I will no longer have a section just for benefits and one for disadvantages, I will have several smaller sections instead, with each one focusing on one particular aspect of technology in education. Possible sections include differentiation (what are the arguments for and against technology helping with this aspect of education), more connections (or, as some would say, distractions), and statistics.

Hopefully, with my plan in place, this revision process won't be as intensive as usual!

1 comment:

  1. Maria, I am very impressed by your blog. You're doing a nice job of narrating the research process. This could easily become a blog that continues on past this semester, perhaps as an on-line journal for you to reflect on and share your experiences as a student studying to become a teacher.

    My only suggestion is that you use more hyperlinks in your posts. This is one of the great advantages of the online medium: the ability to share your sources with others in a quick and efficient way.

    I will definitely start following your twitter feed, since it looks like you are retweeting some interesting stuff.
